What innovations are companies doing to achieve economic sustainability? (example)


One of the most exciting examples is the emerging technology that can extract water from the air. Several companies have developed or are working on these types of innovations. Zero Mass Water's system, for example, is powered by solar panels and uses fans to capture air, filter out dust and pollutants, and separate out the water. It has been installed in more than 40 countries.

These types of systems are economically sustainable in action: compelling innovative products bring economic benefits to manufacturers, while also delivering substantial environmental benefits, such as reliable access to safe water (deficient for 2.2 billion people worldwide) and reduced Use of plastic.


Many companies are in the recycling business: upcycling, downcycling, electronic recycling and pre-recycling. These include local recycling centers, sites like Ebay, vintage and second-hand clothing stores, and apps like LetGo. 

In this regard, some communities are committed to economic sustainability. Japan's Kamikatsu, for example, started working towards zero waste more than 20 years ago. Today, residents can sort their household waste into an incredible 45 categories. They compost food waste, reuse as much as possible, and wash items like plastic bags and bottles for easy recycling. In 2016, they had recycled 81% of their waste. 


Micro-farming is farming on less than five acres of residential or commercial property, which is a relatively simple way for communities to improve residents' food security and boost local economic growth while benefiting the environment.

Each microfarm creates benefits such as reduced carbon emissions (because food does not have to be transported), reduced use of pesticides and herbicides, and improved public health. When microfarms replace pastures, the farmer also ensures that he or she uses less water and provides an attractive area for pollinators. In the past few years, micro-agricultural organizations have emerged globally. Orlando-based Fleet Farming encourages homeowners to transform their lawn spaces into "edible landscapes" to make healthy, affordable food more accessible and to educate communities about sustainable food growth.

Link to article: https://info.populationmedia.org/blog/economic-sustainability-examples-that-inspire-change

Last modified: Thursday, 7 July 2022, 12:53 AM