Summary of Study Session 17
In Study Session 17, you have learned that:
- TB infection control is a combination of measures aimed at minimising the risk of TB transmission within the population. Its foundation is the early and rapid diagnosis of people with TB and their proper management.
- TB infection control is part of the national infection prevention and control policies for health in general. It also extends the national policy by targeting airborne infections.
- The interventions of TB infection control fall into four main categories; managerial, administrative, environmental, and personal protective interventions.
- Managerial activities involve assessment, establishing coordinating bodies at all levels and planning and evaluating the performance of infection control interventions.
- Administrative controls include policies and procedures which promptly identify potential and known infectious cases of TB, separating and treating them with minimal delay.
- Natural ventilation is a simple, but effective and inexpensive environmental technique to move and dilute air from TB-patient areas away from people without TB, by maximising airflow through open windows and doors.
- The use of personal protective equipment, such as respirators and masks, helps to protect healthworkers from airborne transmission of TB. They should also follow standard precautions for infection control.
- Healthworkers have an important role in community-based TB control, especially in identifying TB suspects and guiding, supporting and following-up patients during treatment.
- Healthworkers can make an important contribution to TB control in their communities by providing information and education (for example, about cough manners) and communication more generally, helping to change social norms and behaviours.
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17.3.4 Information, education and communication (IEC)