Communicable Diseases Module: 9. Malaria Prevention: Environmental Management and Larviciding for Vector Control
Study Session 9 Malaria Prevention: Environmental Management and Larviciding for Vector Control
In this study session you are going to learn how you can make the environment unfavourable for mosquito breeding and how to kill the mosquito larvae in water collections. Using your knowledge from Study Session 5 about the distinguishing characteristics of anopheline larvae, we will teach you how to identify areas that are vector breeding habitats in the community, and how to organise and coordinate community participation in larval control measures. By cleaning and modifying the environment you can make it hard for the mosquitoes to complete their life cycle and be able to transmit malaria.
Larval control is one of the most important malaria prevention measures that can be planned and implemented at the community level. Larval control is any method that helps prevent vector breeding or kills the mosquito at its larval stage. There are other malaria prevention or vector control measures that are also very important and you will learn about them in Study Sessions 10 and 11.