Communicable Diseases Module: 10. Malaria Prevention: Indoor Residual Spraying of Houses
Study Session 10 Malaria Prevention: Indoor Residual Spraying of Houses
In this study session, you will learn about one of the most important and widely used methods to control adult mosquitoes in Ethiopia: indoor residual spraying (IRS) of houses. IRS involves spraying the inside of houses with insecticides (chemicals that kill insects). The insecticides used in IRS are long-lasting and kill the vector when it enters houses to bite people.
Your role will be critical in the success of IRS in your community, so it is important for you to understand the objectives, techniques and challenges of undertaking IRS campaigns. We will explain how IRS helps to prevent malaria, and how to plan and carry it out. You will also learn about the safe handling of insecticides, the selection and training of spray operators, and the operation of spray pumps.
To undertake IRS effectively in your village, you will need training in several practical skills, such as spray techniques, training of spray operators, maintenance of spray pumps, etc. The additional practical training will be arranged by your Regional Health Bureau.