24.6.2 Performing an HIV test using the STAT-PAK rapid test kit
The procedure for this test is very similar to that used for the KHB test. However, there are some differences. The procedure for the STAT-PAK test is outlined below.
First, collect the test items and other necessary laboratory supplies. Remove the STAT-PAK device from its packaging, and label it using a code number or a client identification number.
Like the KHB device, the STAT-PAK also has a sample port and an area where the control and test lines are read.
Collect the specimen using a capillary tube as described earlier in this study session, and place some of the blood on a microscope slide.
Using the special applicator provided with the STAT-PAK kit, collect blood from the microscope slide and then transfer it to the sample port. Now add one drop of running buffer using the bottle of reagent supplied with the kit (these steps are shown in Figure 24.7).
Now wait ten minutes for the test to develop. The control line will be the first to show, and this indicates that the test is working correctly and is valid.
The STAT-PAK test only takes 10 minutes to develop, whereas the KHB test can take up to 30 minutes to produce a result.
Reading the result of a STAT-PAK test
After ten minutes the test result is ready. Interpretation of the STAT-PAK device is the same as for the KHB device, and this is shown in Figure 24.8. If the result is invalid, the procedure is repeated using a new STAT-PAK device. The result must be recorded on a worksheet, together with any relevant information.
How would you interpret the results of a STAT-PAK test?
A reactive result would indicate that the person who supplied the blood is HIV-positive. If the result was non-reactive, you would proceed to the tiebreaker test using the Uni-gold device.
24.6.1 Performing an HIV test using the KHB rapid test kit