25.2.6 Community mobilisation activities for preventing HIV/AIDS
Below are common community mobilisation activities that you should undertake in your community:
- Mobilise local individuals, institutions and community groups including idir, maheber, iqub, anti-AIDS clubs, peer support groups, women’s support groups, religious groups, and other local civil society groups.
- Lead community conversation activities in your kebele. Community conversation is a key community mobilisation strategy advocated by the FMOH for different programmes, including the HIV prevention and care programme, and child and maternal health issues. The details of community conversation are not discussed here. You need to refer to the national guidelines for community conversation to have an in-depth insight and knowledge about how to use it in your community.
- Transmit HIV prevention messages through different forums like anti-AIDS clubs, student groups at schools, HIV associations, mothers’ groups and other civil associations.
- Help the community share best experiences from other communities and model families in their community.
- Build the capacity of voluntary community health workers who can facilitate community conversations and refer mothers for PMTCT (Study Session 27).
- Facilitate and hold local anti-HIV/AIDS festivals and events such as coffee ceremonies.
- Mainstream your community mobilisation activities for HIV prevention in local associations and governmental organisations at different levels.
- Sign contractual performance agreements on the joint implementation of community mobilisation plans and goals with various external and local partners.
Community conversation is described in detail in the Module on Health Education, Advocacy and Community Mobilisation.
25.2.5 Principles of community mobilisation to address HIV/AIDS