29.8  PLHIV should get regular exercise and rest

Exercise is a good and low-cost way of maintaining the health of your clients. You should encourage PLHIV to practice regular exercise and to find time for adequate rest to improve and maintain their health. Regular exercise includes any sort of activities that fits into the daily routine life of your clients. These activities may range from moderate exercise (being more active around the house), to active team sports or jogging. There are many ways in which PLHIV may improve their regular exercise routine, such as walking to and from work; walking to the church or the mosque; and indoor regular exercise routines (for example, work-outs early in the morning before bathing). The benefits of regular exercise include increased energy levels, increased appetite and decreased nausea, which will also help your patients to maintain a good nutritional status. Exercise also helps to maintain muscle tone, which may be beneficial to prevent weight loss.

In the same way you advised your patients to continue working as long as they are able to reasonably manage it, PLHIV should not exert themselves by regular exercise to the extent that it becomes detrimental to their health. You should advise your patients to take sufficient rest and sleep between exercise routines. In the event of episodes of ill health, PLHIV should determine whether they feel fit enough to continue regular exercise. However, they should keep in mind that returning to regular exercise routines after illness may help improve their quality of life.

29.7  PLHIV should avoid getting infections

29.9  PLHIV should seek regular medical care