Additional Readings

 1. This page from the American site Teach provides more information on learning styles: what/ teachers-teach/ learning-styles [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)]

 2. For further information on the multiple intelligences theory, Howard Gardner and the discussion of Gardner’s theory can be found here: mobi/ howard-gardner-multiple-intelligences-and-education

 3. For further information on peer tutoring, consult the Education Endowment Foundation that reports on research on peer tutoring: evidence/ teaching-learning-toolkit/ peer-tutoring/

The paper by Toni Riester-Wood, Peers Supporting an Inclusive School Climate, gives further information on peer support (beginning with the paragraph starting ‘Peer support is a strategy that involves placing students in pairs or in small groups …’): peers-supporting-an-inclusive-school-climate/

 4. For more information on scaffolding learning, see the article Instructional Scaffolding on Wikipedia (online): wiki/ Instructional_scaffolding

Some of the links below are not mentioned in Inclusive Education Toolkit. However, they are useful if you wish for more information or support on some aspects of the work in the classroom and the inclusive school.

Inclusive Education

Learning theories in English

The learning theories that underpin the pedagogical approach of TESSA materials are the socio-constructivist theories whose most famous protagonists are Vygotsky and Brunner. If you want to further your knowledge, there are many sites on the internet.

As starting points:

The bibliographies in these articles will give you leads to explore the theories you are interested in further.

Case studies in the Toolkit