Study Session 2 Background to the OWNP
The development of the water, sanitation and hygiene, or ‘WASH’ sector in Ethiopia is said not to have a long history (not more than two decades). Nevertheless, it is important for you to know how the sector has reached its current status and how it has been influenced by past policies and strategies.
This study session outlines the key policies and strategies that existed in the WASH sector prior to the One WASH National Programme (OWNP). It describes their history and how they are enacted, and explains how the different policy documents relate to each other. This will help you understand how, at an operational level, plans and projects have been implemented.
Note that the sections of this study session that describe the various policies, strategies and programmes are only brief summaries of these important documents. If you would like the full details, you can find the original documents by following the information in the References list.