Summary of Study Session 2
In Study Session 2 you have learned that:
- Ethiopia has plentiful water resources but they are not distributed evenly. Water and sanitation provision has improved in recent decades, but there is still a great deal more to do.
- The Water Resources Management Policy is the primary policy for water and was followed by the development of the Water Sector Strategy.
- Other related policies include the Health and Environmental policies of Ethiopia. Under the Health Policy, there are other national level strategies and development programmes which are very important for operationalising the policy.
- WASH policies are aligned with the government of Ethiopia’s Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP) to improve the national economy. A second iteration of the GTP is expected to cover the five years from 2015 to 2020.
- The Universal Access Plan (UAP) of 2006 was revised in 2011 to align it with the targets and strategies of the GTP.
- The OWNP targets of 98.5% access to safe water and 100% access to sanitation are based on GTP and UAP targets.
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2.6 National development plans