Summary of Study Session 5

In Study Session 5, you have learned that:

  1. The OWNP has three pillars, namely: enabling environment and good governance, creating demand, and capacity development.
  2. The OWNP pillars were developed from the pillars identified in the National Hygiene and Sanitation Strategy and the Strategic Action Plan.
  3. An enabling environment and good governance are essential for the effective and efficient delivery of WASH services.
  4. Good governance can be described by eight characteristics.
  5. Providing improved WASH services is not enough; demand for the services also needs to be created. This can be done by raising awareness and education. The process of demand creation should make best use of human and financial resources.
  6. Capacity development that improves the skills and capabilities of individuals, organisations and wider society is essential for successful implementation of the OWNP.
  7. The three pillars of the OWNP complement each other in meeting the ultimate objectives of the programme. It needs a balanced focus on each of the pillars to achieve the objectives set out.

5.4 Capacity development for improved delivery of WASH services

Self-Assessment Questions (SAQs) for Study Session 5