7.4 Implementation

You can see from Figure 7.1 that the third section of the OWNP structure is made up of the organisations responsible for implementation of the Programme who will undertake the planned activities. The day-to-day programme implementers are either institutions or teams of professionals who belong to the PMUs or WASH teams. (Note that PMUs are also sometimes referred to as WASH Management Units (WMUs) or WASH Programme Management Units (WPMUs)).

The various implementing institutions and teams each have their own roles and responsibilities at different levels. OWNP implementation activities are divided up along the lines of the separate WASH sector ministries.

  • Look at Figure 7.1. How does the organisational structure for implementation differ from that for governance and management?

  • Governance and management both have a single committee or team at all levels with representatives from each of the WASH ministries. For implementation, the four ministries have separate units with responsibility for their own activities.

7.3 Oversight and management

7.4.1 Implementation in the main WASH ministries