Summary of Study Session 10

In Study Session 10, you have learned that:

  1. The OWNP has established readiness criteria for all levels of administration that have to be fulfilled before funds are released for implementing WASH activities.
  2. The main approaches to implementing rural water supply schemes are woreda-managed projects (WMP), community-managed projects (CMP), NGO-managed projects, self-supply and multi-village schemes.
  3. Two important approaches to rural sanitation and hygiene promotion are community-led total sanitation and hygiene (CLTSH) and sanitation marketing.
  4. In pastoralist areas, the same approaches described for rural water supply can be used, but need to consider special conditions that apply in pastoral communities.
  5. The OWNP uses three categories of town based on water supply provision and management status. There are two financing arrangements used for urban WASH, grants and soft loans.
  6. Institutional WASH provision covers schools and health facilities. Implementation may be by WMP or CMP approaches.
  7. The quality of drinking water is another important aspect of WASH implementation. Monitoring and assessment of sources before development is by the MoWIE. The MoH is responsible for monitoring of water quality after installation is complete.

Self-Assessment Questions (SAQs) for Study Session 10