Self-Assessment Questions (SAQs) for Study Session 15

Now that you have completed this study session, you can assess how well you have achieved its Learning Outcomes by answering these questions. Write your answers in your Study Diary and discuss them with your Tutor at the next Study Support Meeting. You can check your answers with the Notes on the Self-Assessment Questions at the end of this Module.

SAQ 15.1 (tests Learning Outcomes 15.1, 15.2 and 15.3)

For each of the following statements, decide if it is true or false. In each case explain your reasoning.

A  Monitoring of TB treatment is the regular observation and recording of activities taking place during treatment of patients with anti-TB drugs.

B  Smear-positive patients do not require sputum examination at five months into treatment.

C  After a temporary referral to a clinician or hospital, a patient should return to the original health facility to continue treatment for TB.

D  When a TB patient transfers to a new facility, that facility should notify the original health facility that the patient has reported for treatment.


A is true; when you monitor TB treatment you observe and record all treatment activities and this in turn helps to monitor the TB programme at national level.

B is false; at the fifth month a sputum examination is required for all TB patients with initial smear-positive results.

C is true; it is the responsibility of the original health facility to conduct subsequent follow-up once the patient is discharged from hospital.

D is true; it is the responsibility of the new facility to inform the original health facility that the transferred patient has reported for treatment.

SAQ 15.2 (tests Learning Outcome 15.4)

Suppose a known TB patient has been on anti-TB drugs for six weeks and they interrupt treatment for two weeks. What would you do for this patient and what advice would you give him/her for the future?


If a patient interrupts anti-TB treatment for less than one month the appropriate action is to trace the patient, solve the cause of the interruption and advise to continue treatment and prolong it to compensate for missed doses. Then you should advise the patient not to interrupt treatment again. Mention that if he or she continues interruption, the chances of cure will be lessened, as the patient may develop drug-resistant TB.

SAQ 15.3 (tests Learning Outcome 15.5)

For each of the following scenarios, write down the appropriate treatment outcome:

  • a.A TB patient who developed severe skin rash is referred from your health facility to the health centre health officer. The patient never returns to the health facility. The rash went away, but the health officer has not seen the patient for two months.
  • b.A TB patient plans to move and transfer to another health facility. You send the patient with a TB referral/transfer form. The receiving health facility never confirms that the patient has reported.
  • c.A TB patient on treatment transferred to a new health facility, but you do not receive written confirmation. Later you contact the new health facility and find that the patient has reported there for treatment. At the appropriate time you contact the health facility again and find that the patient has been cured.


  • a.Defaulter
  • b.Transfer out
  • c.Cure.

Summary of Study Session 15