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Diagramming for development 2: exploring interrelationships
Diagramming for development 2: exploring interrelationships

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3 Using diagramming techniques to explore the WWP Case Study

Diagramming techniques can be used to address some of the questions that might arise as you read the summary:

  1. How can I make sense of the issues and the context in which the programme is being implemented?
  2. What are the main elements associated with WWP and what are the broad associations or relationships between these elements?
  3. How can I look in more detail at the structure of the WWP? What elements (e.g., stakeholder groups) might be needed to implement the WWP? What other elements might lie outside the boundary of the WWP but might be very relevant to success or failure of the programme? What value might there be in focussing at different levels of interest (e.g. an individual WWP project, or more generalised strategies of agricultural development)?
  4. How can I identify the factors that are key in building on the success of WWP?
  5. What might support the continued success of WWP − or act as an obstacle? Where might an intervention take place and resources be deployed in order to encourage success and/or lessen any such obstacles?
  6. What decisions need to be made in order to sustain the success of WWP? What might be the implications of such decisions and what assumptions are being made regarding previous decision making?