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Diagramming for development 2: exploring interrelationships
Diagramming for development 2: exploring interrelationships

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In this unit you have been introduced to influence diagrams, multiple cause diagrams and cognitive maps. You have seen how they can help with analysing complex situations by organising your thoughts, particularly thoughts on inter-relationships and interdependencies amongst different factors associated with complex situations. The systems diagramming techniques here help towards analysing inter-related factors in a visual manner that can help communicate ideas to others, possibly across different cultures, in circumstances where the right words can be hard to find to establish the shared understanding needed to enable more meaningful dialogue. Influence diagrams, multiple cause diagrams and cognitive maps can help personal reflection and diagnosis of complex issues, revealing significant challenges as well as opportunities for intervention.

This is a companion course to Diagramming for development 1: bounding realities [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .

This OpenLearn course provides a sample of level 3 study in Computing and IT courses.