3.2 Starting with learning outcomes
The creation of accessible eLearning or online learning materials should begin with establishing the desired learning outcomes. Once we have these, we can then begin to determine different possible pathways for students to achieve them. Some of the pathways will be more accessible than others, some may require alternative content to be provided, but all should lead students to achieving the same goals. You may need to create different pathways depending upon the context of use (for example material to be used with a small cohort of known students whose needs regarding accessibility have been declared can be tailored directly towards the needs of those students, whereas material for a wider, unknown audience, such as these OpenLearn materials, must be created to meet as many potential needs as possible). David Baume [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] (2016) produced an excellent guide to writing good (and accessible) learning outcomes.