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How can you take your teaching online?

Updated Monday, 17 May 2021
A number of schools and universities have closed to most pupils due to COVID-19, but how can you quickly move your teaching online? Check out our FREE remote learning resources.

Lift the lid on learning (SMALL IMAGE FOR DRUPAL) The sudden closure of universities and schools across the globe has created a demand in delivering educational content online. The Open University has long been a front-runner in distance learning, specifically online. Did you also know that we provide FREE content on OpenLearn, written by Open University academics? We offer a variety of FREE courses, interactives, academic insights and animations on a range of subjects.

We also have some comprehensive courses to show you how to make your own open educational resources. Check out the courses below:

How to make an open online course

Gain the skills and knowledge to design, structure and produce your own open online course.  Head over to our sister site OpenLearn Create to get started with 'How to make an open online course'.

Take your training online

At the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, many charities and NGOs moved their training online, often at high speed. 'Take your training onine' aims to help practitioners improve the online training they developed at speed.


Don't forget accessibility!

What works in a classrooom or lecture theatre may not work online. Have an understanding of the types of technology used by disabled students and the challenges they face in this free course:

Still looking for inspiration?

Check out some examples of our most popular free courses, interactives and animations for inspiration on how to present your teaching online.


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