Further reading
Landscape history
Briggs, A. (1993 [1963]) Victorian Cities, Berkeley: University of California Press.
Dyos, H.J. and Wolff, M. (eds) (1998 [1973]) The Victorian City: Images and Realities, Abingdon: Routledge.
Evans, E.E. (1973) The Personality of Ireland: Habitat, Heritage and History, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Hoskins, W.G. (1955) The Making of the English Landscape, London: Hodder and Stoughton.
Rodger, R. (2016) ‘The facade of power and the power of the facade: memory and meaning in Victorian cities’, Urban History, pp. 1–36.
Simmons, J. (1986) The Railway in Town and Country, 1830–1914, Newton Abbot: David and Charles.
Thirsk, J. (ed.) (1985) The Agrarian History of England and Wales 1640–1750: Agrarian Change, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Artefacts and infant feeding
Apple, R.D. (1987) Mothers and Medicine: A Social History of Infant Feeding, 1890–1950, Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.
Bryder, L. (2009) ‘From breast to bottle: a history of modern infant feeding’, Endeavour, 33(2), pp. 54–9.
Ferguson, A.H., Weaver, L.T. and Nicolson, M. (2006) ‘The Glasgow Corporation Milk Depot 1904–1910 and its role in infant welfare: an end or a means?’, Social History of Medicine, 19(3), pp. 443–60.
Fildes, V. (1998) ‘Infant feeding practices and infant mortality in England, 1900–1919’, Continuity and Change, 13(2), pp. 251–80.
French, A. (ed.) (2019) Early Modern Childhood: An Introduction, Abingdon: Routledge.
Jordanova, L.J. (2012) The Look of the Past: Visual and Material Evidence in Historical Practice, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Pollen, A. (2007) ‘Civilising sucking: the production of ceramic infant feeding devices in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries’ in New Perspectives in British Cultural History, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Press, pp. 104–17.
Salmon, M. (1994) ‘The cultural significance of breastfeeding and infant care in early modern England and America’, Journal of Social History, pp. 247–69.
History of criminal justice
Beattie, J.M. (1986) Crime and the Courts in England 1660–1800, Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Emsley, C. (2013) Crime and Society in England: 1750–1900, Abingdon: Routledge.
Gatrell, V.A. (1996) The Hanging Tree: Execution and the English People 1770–1868, Oxford: Oxford University Press on Demand.
Handler, P. (2005) ‘Forgery and the end of the “Bloody Code” in early nineteenth-century England’, The Historical Journal, 48(3), pp. 683–702.
Hay, D. (1980) ‘Crime and justice in eighteenth-and nineteenth-century England’, Crime and Justice, 2, pp. 45–84.
King, P. and Ward, R. (2015) ‘Rethinking the bloody code in eighteenth-century Britain: capital punishment at the centre and on the periphery’, Past & Present, 228(1), pp. 159–205.
Walliss, J. (2018) ‘“The lottery of justice”: The Bloody Code in England, 1760–1830’, in The Bloody Code in England and Wales, 1760–1830, London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 51–85.