- Antiquarian
- A person interested in ‘antiquities’ (ancient things) from previous times, particularly objects, buildings and cultural products
- Bloody Code
- A series of laws from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries that attached the death penalty to a wide range of offences
- Capital punishment
- The death sentence and execution for those found guilty of certain crimes
- Cartouche
- A design image of a scroll usually used in a heraldic manner
- GIS (Geographic Information System) mapping
- A digital information system using satellite technology for accurate geographical recording
- Historiography
- The chronological ongoing writing of the history of a particular topic; essentially the history of a history!
- Method
- How historians approach, use and analyse their primary source evidence, for example they might use a statistical or geographical method
- Periodisation
- How historians divide time into manageable and identifiable sections with particular characteristics
- Post-revisionist
- A critique of a revisionist view or argument, not necessarily reactionary or reverting to a pre-revisionist position
- Primary source
- Something that dates from the time under examination and provides evidence of the past, legal records, maps, images, documents, buildings, artefacts and even hedgerows can all be primary sources
- Revisionist
- A reinterpretation of a long-established or traditional view or understanding
- Secondary source
- A piece of produced written history from research, this could be a text or a database of information for example