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What do historians do?
What do historians do?

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A person interested in ‘antiquities’ (ancient things) from previous times, particularly objects, buildings and cultural products
Bloody Code
A series of laws from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries that attached the death penalty to a wide range of offences
Capital punishment
The death sentence and execution for those found guilty of certain crimes
A design image of a scroll usually used in a heraldic manner
GIS (Geographic Information System) mapping
A digital information system using satellite technology for accurate geographical recording
The chronological ongoing writing of the history of a particular topic; essentially the history of a history!
How historians approach, use and analyse their primary source evidence, for example they might use a statistical or geographical method
How historians divide time into manageable and identifiable sections with particular characteristics
A critique of a revisionist view or argument, not necessarily reactionary or reverting to a pre-revisionist position
Primary source
Something that dates from the time under examination and provides evidence of the past, legal records, maps, images, documents, buildings, artefacts and even hedgerows can all be primary sources
A reinterpretation of a long-established or traditional view or understanding
Secondary source
A piece of produced written history from research, this could be a text or a database of information for example