9 Summary of Session 1
The main learning points from this session are:
- A coach developer is a people developer who is trained to help and support a coach. This is a process which occurs over time, and coach developers can undertake a range of roles in one or more contexts.
- You followed a case study of a coach and coach developer relationship that was transformational; it significantly influenced and re-shaped the coach’s practice. Not all coach–coach developer relationships have this transformational impact. Sometimes reinforcing good practice is still effective development.
- You heard from three experienced coaches about what they thought makes an effective coach developer. To have a positive and meaningful impact effective coach developers demonstrate a willingness to help people learn, personally connect with coaches, set high standards, command respect and they make coaches think, reflect and question what they know and don’t know.
- The expertise that a coach developer possesses was examined and explained. There is little evidence that conclusively explains the expertise that coach developers possess, but ideas can be drawn from closely allied roles such as teaching.
- You have been introduced to a range of learning opportunities that can be drawn on to improve your own practice as a coach developer. These opportunities are not unlike those that coaches draw on to improve their practice.
- A coach developer 101 guide has been started that will build into a list of 36 practices and ideas that concisely articulate the coach developer role.
In the next session you will explore how coaches learn and the implications for coach developers. At the beginning of this session it was suggested that knowing how people learn is an important body of knowledge for coach developers to possess. Without understanding how people learn your effectiveness as a coach developer may be limited, this will make it more challenging for you to help coaches develop.
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