10 Summary of Session 2
In this session you have:
- Read about different ways of classifying learning experiences. One of the most common is the distinction between formal, informal and non-formal learning.
- Examined learning from the perspective of a master chef. The story of Ross Stacey offered several insights into how chefs learn their craft that could be applied to coach learning and development.
- Explored how social constructivist theories of learning explain how individuals construct their knowledge through their experiences. These experiences are often shared with others. Learning is a social process that occurs within relationships between people.
- Considered the filters through which coaches assess new ideas and how this influences their adoption, adaptation or rejection of these ideas to their practice. It has been developed by Stodter and Cushion and captures how coaches learn as well as the complexity of the learning process.
- Reviewed the six principles of adult learning developed by Malcolm Knowles (1990). Knowles is associated with popularising the term andragogy to describe the characteristics of adult learning and how this is different to pedagogy (how children learn). Knowing the principles of adult learning can help you design more effective learning environments.
- Reflected on the concept of unlearning. A provocative and arguably contested term that suggests you have to unlearn things you already know and do before you can learn new ideas and change your practice.
While this session focused on how coaches learn you probably recognised there was much which could inform your learning as a coach developer. There are clearly many parallels between the two. Now, in the next session, you’ll focus on developing effective learning relationships.
This focus is valuable since you have just learned that learning is often a social, collaborative and active process that takes place within and through relationships. One of the central questions you will explore is how to initiate and continue to build rapport with the coaches you work with.
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