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8 Building your coach developer 101 guide

The main discussion points from this session that you might share and discuss with colleagues are described in Table 1 below.

Table 1 Some practices coach developers can use to build expertise in their role
Practices and ideasDescription
6. Categorising learningLearning can be classified into formal, informal and non-formal learning, although it is not always easy to allocate learning situations neatly into one of these categories.
7. Social constructivist theories of learningA collection of theories that explain how people construct knowledge through their experiences. This is a social, collaborative and active process that takes place within and through relationships between people.
8. Filtering processesA method that describes how coaches adopt, adapt or reject new forms of knowledge and practice through two filters: a personal filter and a context filter.
9. Adult learning principlesThe suggestion that adults learn differently to children (‘andragogy’). Adult learning motivations are distinct and there is a need for the purpose of their learning experiences to be made explicit.
10. UnlearningIt is claimed that to learn you must sometimes unlearn existing knowledge so that it does not impede the potential to learn something new.