Session 3: How do you build effective learning relationships?
This session is about building relationships that promote learning and development. Watch as Stuart Armstrong explains more.

Transcript: Video 1
As Stuart explained, in coaching we work with people and this means being able to build trust and rapport with them. In this session you’ll explore different models and perspectives that help you to understand how to nurture effective learning relationships. You will see how understanding the following inform your knowledge about the development of effective learning relationships:
- humanist-based counselling theory
- a lecturer’s attempts to build rapport with over a hundred new students
- the strategies adopted by a coach developer, and
- teacher–mentor relationships in a school.
By the end of this session, you should be able to:
- understand the basis of effective coach–coach developer learning relationships
- know how to initiate and continue to build rapport with coaches
- appreciate how you can strike an appropriate balance between challenging coaches to improve their practice and supporting them through this process
- appreciate the value of learning from mistakes and failure.