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8 Building your coach developer 101 guide

The main discussion points from this session that you might share and discuss with colleagues are described in Table 1 below.

Table 1 Some practices coach developers can use to build expertise in their role
Practices and ideasDescription
28. Observational focusYour observational gaze can be influenced by the presence or otherwise of observational criteria or a checklist that influences what is and what is not seen.
29. Systematic observationA method, if used methodically and rigorously, that can provide detailed and often numerical data about the behaviours and actions of coaches.
30. Planning for observationObservational visits need to be well planned and organised beforehand to be optimised.
31. Discussing feedbackActing on feedback is influenced not by content but how the coach receives it. Carefully thinking through language and how it is discussed helps encourage coaches to be receptive.
32. Peer-to-peer feedbackFeedback between colleagues is a mutually beneficial learning process that should be encouraged as a continuous aspect of learning and development.