5 Technology for peer support
As Session 7 illustrated peer-support, or peer-assisted learning, is being recognised as an increasingly important aspect of learning and development. In this section you’ll explore how technology can assist this form of learning.
In the video from Session 3 (Activity 7 – researcher) James Knight spoke about trust in learning relationships. Knight works with an online video sharing platform called IRIS Connect. The videos in the following activity are from the same organisation and provide stimulus material for possibly extending and enhancing coach learning and development in the digital age.
Activity 5 Should video sharing and peer-support be more widely used?
This activity involves working with two separate videos from IRIS Connect. The organisation and their technology grew out of a 2007 University of Sussex research project. The company expanded to the USA in 2015.
Watch this short animation explaining the rationale for their work.

Transcript: Video 4
Now watch a second short video which outlines the possibilities of the sharing platform

Transcript: Video 5
- Note down the phrases which summarise the ten-point rationale for IRIS Connect’s learning approach (tip: their rational is similar to your exploration of developments in the digital age). For example, the first three phrases they use are:
- personalised learning opportunities
- [new] ideas for change
- putting ideas into practice.
- With sufficient investment and training to what extent could this idea be adapted to the future development of coaches? Notice how you may well apply a filtering process, similar to your beliefs filter and your context filter.
- A very similar argument is presented compared to the one that you explored in Sections 2 and 3 earlier. For example, the following phrases were used:
- the fit of [new] ideas
- help people make sustained change
- observing others
- working with a coach
- collaboration/sharing practice
- closed door culture
- collective (peer to peer) knowledge.
- In your evaluation of this new idea would you be more willing to adjust your underlying beliefs and attitudes if you could see video sharing and peer support in action in your coaching context. With new ways of working perceptual barriers exist in terms of practicalities, costs and wishing to maintain face-to-face interactions. However, if other people focused professions such as teaching are adapting perhaps coach developers should at least investigate the opportunity further.
You are invited to contribute your thoughts on the possibilities this technology presents to a forum posting in the following section.