Moving on
Watch and consider the next two videos, ‘And we moved right on’ and ‘That’s a really good point’.
Activity 9
Video 1: ‘And we moved right on’
Watch Alan and Lisa review the interaction with Mark and discuss the difficulties of getting Louise to engage.
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Transcript: And we moved right on
… and we moved right on to talk about potential move dates. It helped the group enormously getting Mark to think about another aspect of the move instead of going back over the same argument as before. It sounds as though he still has some issues though, so it may be worth thinking about taking a different tack at your next meeting.
Yeah, I’ll have to think about that. It’s almost easier though when people do contribute to a discussion, even if it’s just to disagree with what everyone else is saying! I mean, how much did Louise get involved in the meeting when you worked with the group? I know from other conversations with her team that there are a lot of issues that need sorting out, but as soon as everybody starts arguing, she just closes down.
She does let the rest of the group affect her. I don’t know her very well but I get the impression that she doesn’t work well if there’s any form of conflict. You’re going to have to work especially hard to engage her, particularly as the rest of the group are loud and are not afraid to make their feelings known! It can sometimes help with shy or insecure people to include them physically in the discussion, using eye contact and direct questions. It’ll make Louise think her opinion is wanted and valued, and make her want to contribute more.
And we moved right on
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Video 2: ‘That’s a really good point’
Now watch Lisa in an earlier meeting with Louise.
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Transcript: That’s a really good point
That’s a really good point, Marcus, we do need to think carefully about the recycling facilities. Louise, you’ve got an intent look on your face. Would you like to share what you’re thinking?
[looks up quickly and coughs slightly]
Well, it’s an important issue to my team.
OK. How would you improve them? For the way your team works.
Erm… there could be more recycling stations around the office.
That sounds like an interesting idea. How would that work?
Well, at the moment there’s just one recycling station at the end of the corridor, which means we all have to carry stuff around, but if the office is going to be open plan in this way, then there could be one at both ends of the room for paper and shredding, as well as one in the kitchen area.
That’s a lot of space taken up with recycling stations. Surely there are better ways?
Marcus, I welcome your opinions but I just want to hear Louise out first.
(warming to the theme)
Well, we handle a lot of admin in our team and get through a lot of paper waste, which at the moment piles up around our desk until we move it at the end of the day. That’s ok in our room at the moment, but we can’t have piles of paper all over the floor if people are going to be walking around all the time, can we?
Thank you for that Louise. What does the rest of the group think?
Makes sense. [looks at the plan] If we look at the plan, if we position them here and here, then it will make it easier for everyone to get to, and it shouldn’t take up that much space.
Um there was one other thing. The positioning of the printers… I know on the plan at the moment it says that the printers are going to be there by the window, but if our department’s going to be there [points] which does make sense… do you all agree? Well, if we’re going to be there, then the printer station needs to be in that area instead because we use the printers more than most and if we’re now going to be sharing them with other departments, then it may become an issue… sorry…
So shall we look at this in more detail then? Where are the best positions for the printers and the modems and the screens? If we split up into two groups and talk about this in more depth, and then come back and share our initial ideas. Shall we say 10 minutes?
That’s a really good point
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Reflections on Lisa with Louise
- What did Lisa do to draw Louise in and get her viewpoint heard?
- What other ways could she have approached this?
Note your thoughts in the box below.
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