Keeping the group focused
You will now watch and consider two videos, ‘That seems a bit harsh’ and ‘That just about sums up’.
Activity 11
Video 1: ‘That seems a bit harsh’
Watch Alan talking with Lisa about Grace and then how to handle Marcus.
Download this video clip.Video player: That seems a bit harsh
Transcript: That seems a bit harsh
Well, that seems a bit harsh, pulling someone up in front of everyone else.
You don’t have to be rude about it. You just have to remind people why they are there. That’s one of your roles, as facilitator, to keep the group focused on the goals for the discussion. By restating a recent point and getting someone’s opinion on it, you can get them right back into the meeting. Get them talking about the issues up for discussion.
Right. Well, I’ll have to try harder with that. There are some people, though, that you would like to stop talking, even if it’s just for a short while. I mean, Marcus just goes on and on and it’s really hard to get a word in. And because he’s Head of the department and took Chair, nobody wants to interrupt.
It doesn’t help that he’s so busy. For him, finding time in his schedule to prepare for the meeting is a real challenge.
Yeah, and he’s always late and tries to squeeze so much into the agenda in the limited time that we have, that we never get to the end in the time allocated.
But that is even more of a reason to keep him focused and to stop him taking over. I don’t think he realises how much time he takes. You need to give him a reminder every now and then. You need to be firm and not worry about taking control.
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Video 2: ‘That just about sums up’
Observe how Lisa works with Marcus.
Download this video clip.Video player: That just about sums up
Transcript: That just about sums up
So, that just about sums up the minutes from the last meeting. Thank you, Louise. We ought to get started on today’s agenda. Perhaps we should start with item 1 – a draft plan from Estates Management, a proposed desk and IT plan for the proposed move. Well, there’s the plan if you’d all like to have a look.
Can I suggest that we just take a moment to look through the agenda? It might give us an idea of what the outcomes of today’s session need to be so that we don’t run out of time.
Well, yes, of course. Well, as you can see, we have the plan to examine and deal with the issues arising from that. Then there is the small issue of the date itself that we need to tie down. Oh, and then someone from IT is joining us at 10.30 to help us understand the technology side of it all.
OK, so it’s quite a heavy agenda then. I wonder, before we get started, if we could just go around the table and check that everybody knows what they want to get out from today’s meeting. So, Michelle?
Well, I’m keen to get a definite plan in place. My team have a heavy workload and they’re all going to find it hard, you know, so the sooner we can get something in the diary the better.
Absolutely Michelle, I know where you’re coming from on that one. It’s going to be hard sticking to deadlines with all the upheaval, so if we can get the dates firmly nailed down, we can at least plan for the downtime.
Thank you, Marcus. Mark? Have you got any personal objectives for the meeting today?
Well, the plan is key for our department. I needed to see the floor plan. I mean, how much flexibility do we have with this, by the way? I know that Estates have been working on it for quite some time, but if it is unworkable then it’ll have to go back to them.
I’m sure there is a little flexibility in the plan Mark. What’s the point of these meetings if there isn’t, eh? I have to say that I haven’t seen it properly yet, so it’ll be interesting to see what they’ve come up with. I think that…
[Lisa draws Marcus’s attention to her watch and Marcus notices and stops]
As we’ve only got an hour for the meeting, I think we should move on. Louise, have you got anything in particular that you would discuss at the meeting?
Err… mostly logistics stuff…
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Reflections on Lisa with Marcus
- What approach did Lisa take with Marcus?
- What other ways could she have handled the situation?
Note your thoughts in the box below.
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