8.2.3 Team building
Virtual teams need a clear and distinct team identity. When an organisation creates a face-to-face group, the organisation’s day-to-day processes give it identity; for example, the room bookings system says ‘Supplier Payments IT Team 14.00 –16.00’. The meeting’s agenda includes items such as ‘Report from the Supplier Payments IT Team’. Members of the Supplier Payments IT Team also identify with the team; they see themselves as part of the team.
The external identity of virtual teams is often less visible than in the above example, and there may be less opportunity for virtual teams to build their own identity. Ideas for helping a team build an identity include:
- using visual material and photographs in communications
- having a message board and photos of team members with some biographical background
- designing a team logo
- celebrating successes with the whole team
- sending out news items on matters of interest for the whole team
- having a team blog.