In response to COVID-19 restrictions, the TIDE project devised a new programme of professional development activities for you to take part in. This was originally scheduled to run over eight months (as shown in the infographic below) and is designed so you can continue to study online. The new programme still has a central element that all staff should study but there are also specific strands for academic and for ICT/support staff. You do have the benefit of your previous studies and some parts of the new programme will look familiar. This is not as long or detailed a programme as you were undertaking before the COVID-19 pandemic and is largely by individual self-study as we are not able to meet in person or work in teams, but we still believe that this will be of value to you and your University.
Many thanks to our co-mentors and to all those who were involved in producing and facilitating this programme.
TIDE project enriched distance learning in Myanmar by building the capacity of Higher Education staff and students, enhancing programmes of study, and strengthening systems that support Higher Educational Institutions (HEI) in Myanmar. TIDE was part of the UK-Aid-funded Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education Innovation and Reform (SPHEIR) programme(www.spheir.org.uk). SPHEIR is managed on behalf of FCDO by a consortium led by the British Council that includes PwC and Universities UK International. The TIDE project closed in May 2021.