Learning Outcomes Detailed
The course learning outcomes, assessment criteria, the methods used in the assessment and any resources to be used in the assessment are listed below under each course section heading in this manner:
- Learning Outcome
- Assessment Task (Criteria)
- Assessment Method (Instrument)
- Resources for the learner to use in completing the assessment – individual sections of the CITEA guide or other resources will be identified in links.
Getting Started: Learning Outcomes and Assessments
After completing the Getting Started section of the course the learner should be able to:
LO1. Describe some potential benefits of adopting e-assessment in the context of a specific course in their own institution
Task: Identify your chosen course and list some of the potential benefits of adopting e-assessment methods, using some of the terminology and concepts identified in Section 8 of the Getting Started Readings Book, entitled: "Why change? Some benefits of e-assessment" as well as any other benefits that you think may be applicable. Also use Section 3 of the Getting Started Readings Book entitled: " Principles of Assessment Design / Principles of Assessment Design from the Scottish REAP Project"
Method: Max 100 words reflective account in Your Blog
LO2: Choose, identify and classify an assessment to convert into an e-assessment development project
Task: Name and describe the assessment you have chosen for conversion. Classify the assessment using the terminology discussed in Section 1 of the Getting Started Readings Book, entitled: Types of Assessment
Method: Max 100 words summary in Your Blog
LO3: Perform an initial evaluation of difficulty to implement their chosen e-assessment (using the e-assessment Continuum)
Task: Identify the location on the e-assessment continuum that best matches the difficulty of your chosen e-assessment, use the discussion in Section 7 of the Getting Started Readings Book, entitled: The e-assessment Continuum
Method: Max 100 words summary in Your Blog
LO4: Produce an initial self-assessment of your existing e-assessment skills
Task: Look at the the e-assessment skills pyramid and record where you think your skills levels are; refer to Section 1 of this course entitled "Getting Started" and the graphic at this link Click on this link to display the e-Assessment skills pyramid
Method: Max 100 words summary in Your Blog
Analysis: Learning Outcomes & Assessments
After completing the Analysis section of the course the learner should be able to:
LO1. Produce an initial draft plan for the chosen e-assessment implementation
Task: Identify; the chosen assessment, the technologies to be used. Explain how the e-assessment will be conducted, by answering these questions: When? Where? Who? How? What? Explain how the marks will be recorded and managed. Use Section 5 of the Getting Started Readings entitled: "The Assessment System Lifecycle"
Method: Max 300 words summary in Your Blog
LO2. Be competent in the use of the technologies that are to be used in the planned e-assessment by familiarising themselves with their operation by personal hands on experience
Task: Provide an account of their experience of using the chosen technologies, including any difficulties encountered and the solutions they found as well as any opportunities discovered. Explain how this will affect the conduct of the e-assessment – especially how they will overcome any problems found.
Method: Max 200 words summary in Your Blog
LO3. Produce a training needs analysis of staff and student skills in relation to using the chosen e-assessment technologies
Task: Analyse and evaluate the outputs of the training exercises and record a summary of the main problems the chosen technologies present to staff and students and identify any skills gaps that exist.
Method: Max 200 words summary in Your Blog
LO4. Describe the main limitations to implementing their chosen e-assessment
Task: Relate their reasoning to the experience and outputs of the training sessions and the training needs analysis exercise to produce a short statement. Remember to include any issues involving college infrastructure, IT department and administration. To help with this task read the Analyse Tips and Checklist and look at the Analyse Readings section called Some Typical Obstacles. To help structure your account you can use the Getting Started Readings section called The Assessment System Lifecycle.
Method:Max 200 words summary in Your Blog
Design: Learning Outcomes and Assessments
After completing the Design section of the course the learner should be able to:
LO1. Produce an initial working ‘sketch’ of the e-assessment design idea
Task: This design will be structured using the headings of Journalistic Questions i.e. What, Who, Where, When, How, Why. To do this read the Design Tips and Checklist and the Wikipedia entry for Journalistic Questions
Method: Max 400 words summary in Your Blog
LO2. Complete the E-Assessment Design Template
Task: Using your initial e-assessment design sketch information (and the work you have produced in the previous assessments complete the design template to produce a first formal design document. This is a link to the editable word version of the template. To help you get started this is a link to a real world example from the original CITEA project. The idea behind the template is very simple – to provide a common basis for describing an e-assessment design problem, the proposed solution, and a common way of sharing this with others. It also doubles up as a very useful Verification / Quality Assurance tool by enabling the recording of the changes made and how the verifier / inspector can find the information they need. Besides this, the template provides a useful tool for reflection and collaboration. You can, and should, alter it to suit your own needs - the main thing is to start recording your ideas and the rationale behind them.
Method: Length: As long as required
LO3. Share the completed design template with a colleague for comment and feedback and further refinement
Task: Send the previously completed template to a colleague(s) and ask them to add comments and annotations – refine the design taking the feedback into account - it will be easier to do this face to face if you can.
Method: Produce another version of your design template with any alterations made as a result of your colleague's feedback highlighted (together with an explanation for the changes you have made)
LO4. Submit the design template with any supporting materials to the college quality office / department for feedback and comment
Task: Show your design template to the quality officer / reviewer. Receive feedback from colleague(s) and reflect on what changes to make
Method: Make adaptions to your template if needed in the light of feedback.
Development: Learning Outcomes and Assessments:
After completing the Development section of the course the learner should be able to:
LO1. Produce the detailed draft e-assessment content in an external word processing programme or graphics package etc. offline outside the chosen delivery system i.e. outside the VLE / e-Portfolio system etc.
Task: Create and record the details of the e-assessment (e.g. drag and drop, multiple-choice questions, essay etc.) and their possible answers, it will make sense to store any images or web links relating to the assessment here as well
Method: Save the files / documents with meaningful names so you can find them again, think about creating a simple filing system to store your assessment designs
LO2. Develop the e-assessment in the chosen delivery system(s)
Task: Use your previously created e-assessment content to create the e-assessment in the chosen delivery system e.g. VLE / e-Portfolio system etc.
Method: Save the e-assessment for future use in the delivery system
LO3. Test the e-assessment technically
Task: Walk through all the steps involved in the assessment using both your own account and a test student account including accessing and recording the marks / scores
Method: Record any issues that are found – max 200 words in Your Blog
LO4. Test the e-assessment in organisational terms
Task: Use the Jisc lifecycle model and graphic in the Getting Started section to conduct an end-to-end walkthrough of the overall e-assessment process to try and identify any problems that may arise
Method: Record any issues that are found – max 300 words in Your Blog
LO5. Create and evaluate solutions to the possible problems identified in the technical and organisational tests
Task: Document your solutions - think about creating your own personal e-learning assessment logbook for future reference - it is different to the idea for a scrapbook - (this might be a personal blog or a word processing document etc. - but make it digital) - and make a copy in the course Blog
Method: Enter the details in in Your Blog
Implementation: Learning Outcomes & Assessments
After completing the Implementation section of the course the learner should be able to:
LO1. Prepare the students for the e-assessment
Task: Hold trial runs with the technical system that will deliver the assessment in the actual physical context (exam hall, computer lab, library etc.). Record any issues that are discovered in relation to the technical and physical environment and the students in your logbook
Method: Reflective account – max 200 words in Your Blog
LO2. Prepare colleagues and service departments to play their part in the assessment
Task: Liaise with identified colleagues and service department
Method: Record the liaison undertaken – max 200 words in Your Blog
LO3. Organise alternative arrangements for those students with accessibility support needs
Task: Identify the students and their needs and develop solutions
Method: Record the solutions – max 300 words in Your Blog
LO4. Prepare contingency plans to deal with possible problems
Task:Use the previously identified problems and issues to prepare alternative arrangements
Method: Record alternative arrangements – max 300 words in Your Blog
LO5. Run the actual e-assessment with students
Task: Supervise / Direct the e-assessment – taking it all the way through the e-assessment lifecycle
Method: Reflective account recording any issues or unexpected events – max 300 words in Your Blog