Adjusting Speed and Retime Controls in Final Cut Pro
Learn how to speed up or slow down clips, create variable speed changes, preserve pitch on retimed audio clips, add speed transitions, rewind, create jump cuts or holds, or create smooth slow motion in Final Cut Pro.
103. How to Speed Up or Slow Down Clips in Final Cut Pro
You’ve got your amazing footage imported into Final Cut Pro – now how can you make it even better? One way is to try speeding it up or slowing it down to see how it looks! In this video tutorial, we’ll show you how to retime your clips!
104. How to Create Variable Speed Changes in Final Cut Pro
We've gone over how to retime your clips in Final Cut Pro, but what if you want to change the speeds of different segments of your clip? You've come to the right place! In this video tutorial, we'll show you how to apply variable speed changes to your
clip with defaults, or customize your own.
105. How to Preserve Pitch on Retimed Audio Clips in Final Cut Pro
Ever wondered how you can get your voice to sound like a chipmunk? Or maybe you’d rather sound like you emerged from a dark cave? In this Final Cut Pro video tutorial, we’ll show you the secret – turning the Preserve Pitch feature on or off!
106. How to Add Speed Transitions in Final Cut Pro
You’ve got an awesome project with variable speed changes, but what if you want to soften the changes inbetween individual speed segments? That’s where speed transitions come in! In this video tutorial, we’ll show you how to add and edit speed transitions
between your different speed segments.
107. How to Reverse, Rewind, or Add Instant Replays to Your Clips in Final Cut Pro
Get ready, because we’re about to show you some amazing features in the Final Cut Pro retiming toolbox! In this video tutorial, we’ll show you how you can reverse your clip to play it backwards, rewind your clip to replay a specific moment, or add an
instant replay to highlight the best footage.
108. How to Create Jump Cuts or Hold Segments in Final Cut Pro
There are so many great features in Final Cut Pro's retime editor that we had to create another video! In this video tutorial, we'll show you how to create jump cuts in your footage, or use hold segments to pause on a frame.