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Understanding ADHD
Understanding ADHD

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Session 1 summary

During this session, you should have gained some insight into what it may be like to live with ADHD, learning about the core characteristics of the condition as well as related difficulties such as impaired social functioning and comorbidity.

Activity 5 Revisiting your perceptions of ADHD

Timing: Allow about 10 minutes

At the start of this course you reflected on your perceptions and beliefs about ADHD. Now you are half way through your study of the Understanding ADHD course, take a moment to revisit your earlier reflections and identify an example of where your previous beliefs were consolidated or challenged by what you have learnt. You may wish to use the box provided.

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What you say here will very much depend on your previous beliefs. For example, a belief that ADHD only affects children or males may have been challenged, or a belief that the condition is real and not just a label for ‘bad behaviour’ may have been consolidated.

You have now examined how ADHD can be diagnosed using two different diagnostic criteria, and some of the challenges that arise in this process. You have also examined some of the genetic, biological and environmental risk factors for the condition. In the next session you will examine the neurobiology and management of ADHD.