Intermediate German: The world of work
This free course, Intermediate German: The world of work, deals with different aspects of work. You will cover a variety of definitions of the term ‘work’, and reflect on the relevance and importance of work in our lives. You will also learn about different models of part-time work and consider if and how work will change in the future.
In diesem Kurs geht es um verschiedene Aspekte von Arbeit. Sie werden sich mit verschiedenen Definitionen von Arbeit befassen und sich Gedanken über die Relevanz der Arbeit in unserem Leben machen. Außerdem werden Sie verschiedene Arbeitszeitmodelle kennenlernen und sich überlegen, wie und ob sich unsere Arbeit in Zukunft verändern wird.
Box 1 German usage
You will see that there is a good amount of German used throughout a course at this level. However, short instructions in English are given at the start of each activity to make it easier to quickly complete the task.
This OpenLearn course is an adapted extract from the Open University course L223 German studies 2: language and culture of the German-speaking world [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .