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Developing business ideas for drone technologies
Developing business ideas for drone technologies

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Week 1: Discover the drone industry


Welcome to Week 1 of Developing business ideas for drone technologies. This week you will develop an initial view of the drone industry, looking at the evolution of the industry and the potential market opportunities available. The aim of this week is to present the potential for business development in the drone industry. You will look at recent developments and the latest industry data before identifying opportunities for your own drone business idea.

Figure 1 shows the learning cycle for Week 1.

Learning cycle divided into four parts – subjects, skills, example and outputs.
Figure 1 Learning cycle for Week 1

By the end of Week 1, you should be able to:

  • understand the development and growth of the drone industry and emerging innovations in the agricultural, forestry and rural sectors
  • identify a business idea in the drone industry
  • identify and map the stakeholders of a business idea.