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Developing business ideas for drone technologies
Developing business ideas for drone technologies

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Week 5: Designing a business model (infrastructure and sustainability areas)


Welcome to Week 5 of Developing business ideas for drone technologies. Week 5 is the second week dedicated to looking at the fundamental tools of the business model canvas developed by Osterwalder and colleagues. Last week you looked at two blocks of the business model canvas that make up the value proposition canvas – the customer (segment) profile and the value proposition. This week you will look at the larger picture including the remaining blocks of the customer area. You will then see how this can be applied in real life using ICAERUS Use Case 2 (Drone Spraying).

Figure 1 shows the learning cycle for Week 5.

Learning cycle divided into four parts – subjects, skills, example and outputs.
Figure 1 Learning cycle for Week 5

By the end of Week 5, you should be able to:

  • understand the different blocks of the customer area of the business model canvas
  • consider how the value proposition canvas informs the business model canvas
  • design the offer and customer areas of a business model canvas.