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Developing business ideas for drone technologies
Developing business ideas for drone technologies

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Week 4: From new business ideas to value propositions


Welcome to Week 4 of Developing business ideas for drone technologies. Week 4 is the first of three weeks dedicated to the concept of the business model canvas. This week you will have the chance to learn what a value proposition is. The value proposition is the main component of the business model canvas, and it is fundamental to designing a full business model canvas.

Figure 1 shows the learning cycle for Week 4.

Learning cycle divided into four parts – subjects, skills, example and outputs.
Figure 1 Learning cycle for Week 4

By the end of Week 4, you should be able to:

  • understand the concept of a business model canvas and value proposition canvas
  • identify and design the different elements of a value proposition
  • present a value proposition to an audience.