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Developing business ideas for drone technologies
Developing business ideas for drone technologies

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Week 3: Frameworks for understanding drone data and regulations


Welcome to Week 3 of Developing business ideas for drone technologies. This week you will learn about two important topics in the use of drones for agricultural, forestry and rural purposes. First, you’ll take a look at different types of data and data analytics and consider what steps you may need to take to use drone data effectively and securely. You’ll have an opportunity to visit the ICAERUS platform’s Data Analytics Library. Second, you’ll learn about the importance of regulations in governing how drones are used and hear from ICAERUS partners about the key regulations that impact on their Use Cases. You’ll also learn about a model to help you determine key regulations that may affect your business idea.

Figure 1 shows the learning cycle for Week 3.

Learning cycle divided into four parts – subjects, skills, example and outputs.
Figure 1 Learning cycle for Week 3

By the end of Week 3, you should be able to:

  • understand ways that you can characterise the big data used by drones and their application to rural drone uses
  • apply a big data architecture framework to your business idea
  • identify different types of regulations that might apply to your drone business idea.