1 The ICAERUS project
This course is part of the ICAERUS (Innovation and Capacity building in Agricultural Environmental and Rural UAV Services) project [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] , a 4-year project aiming to increase the business use of drones in agriculture, forestry and rural areas across Europe. In Video 1 you will meet Professor Spyros Fountas and Dr Katerina Kasimati who will introduce the vision and purpose of ICAERUS and discuss why drone applications are having a huge impact on many human activities. It is important to note that in this course we use the word ‘drone’ and UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) as synonyms, although there are some sources that connect the acronym UAV to military aircrafts that are guided autonomously (Guilmartin, 2024).

Transcript: Video 1
You can visit the ICAERUS website to explore the project objectives and challenges in more detail. To avoid losing your place in the course, if you are studying on a desktop you should open the link in a new tab or window by holding down Ctrl (or Cmd on a Mac) when you click on it. If you are studying on a mobile device hold down the link and select to ‘Open in New Tab’. Return here when you have finished.
Figure 2 shows the stakeholders of the ICAERUS project. The project aims to benefit agricultural communities and a range of stakeholders ranging from private sector to public bodies developing policies and offering funding for innovation. There are four areas of activities in the project: research; develop and demonstrate; education and train; and scale up. Content that is being produced through the ICAERUS project is shown at the top of Figure 2, which includes this course that is part of the ICAERUS Academy.
In this course you will review the different technologies developed in the ICAERUS project and develop your knowledge of the drone industry. You will also have the chance to develop the skills that will allow you to identify a business idea and map the stakeholders that could help transform your idea into a reality.
The project is funded by the EU under the Horizon Europe scheme and UK under Innovate UK. Figure 3 shows the project logo and the EU and UK Funders logo and grant agreement numbers.