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Developing business ideas for drone technologies
Developing business ideas for drone technologies

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3.1 Product business model

This is probably the most common type of business model and involves selling products to customers, which can be either final customers or other businesses. In business to consumers (B2C) business models, for example, a drone manufacturer sells a drone to a hobbyist that uses drones to take aerial photographs on holiday. In business to business (B2B) product business models, for example, a drone manufacturer sells drones to farmers or to an organisation such as AGRICLOUD to use them during farmer training and demonstration events.

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Animation 1 Product business model
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In Week 3 you will see how regulation can affect drone sales and adoption. For any drone manufacturer that wants to make their product appealing to end users (consumers or business) they need to promote drones, inform users of the benefits of their use and offer some training on drone piloting or control (for business use). At this point you might recall the discussion in Week 1 (Section 2.3 [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] ), that in order to develop drone demand for precision agriculture, farmers need to be well informed about the benefits, affordability and user-friendliness of drones.