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Developing business ideas for drone technologies
Developing business ideas for drone technologies

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6 Bringing business and revenue models together

So far, you have looked at business and revenue models separately. This is because of how complex they both are, with various types and options available. However, business models and revenue models go hand-in-hand. The first is a recipe of how to create value and the second is a formula to capture that value. In reality businesses and organisations will probably use a combination of multiple business and revenue models to create and capture value respectively. Complete Activity 5 below to explore some examples.

Activity 5

Timing: Allow approximately 15 minutes.

The Business Model Zoo™ website [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] contains over 90 exemplar business-model cases illustrating Baden-Fuller et al.’s typology of business models (2017). Visit the website and fill in the following table with a company that exemplifies each type of business model.

Table 1 Examples of business model types
Business model Company Value creation Value capture
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You can access the library with over 90 exemplars of the business models discussed in this section. Each of them includes background information on the firms, as well as how they create and capture value.