2.2.3 A complex regulatory environment
Like the many different implications of big data for businesses, there are many other legal areas that can impact on business success and the determination of risk. For example, when researchers aimed to develop an automated process for identifying applicable EU drone legislation, they found that numerous other types of regulations would be implicated:
For instance, [an Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS)] that causes personal injury due to a crash will likely lead to questions of liability for which liability law (or even criminal law) will need to be consulted. A UAS that flies too close to buildings and captures confidential work within the facility is likely to violate privacy laws, whereas a UAS that closely flies over one’s home may violate property law, more specifically, ownership rules that entail that property ownership includes not only the property itself but also a part of the airspace above the property. Considering that the applicable rules depend on the facts, a method for finding relevant UAS legislation should allow the user to select or focus on legislation that is applicable to the Use Case relevant to them.
In the next section you will be provided with guidance and a template for beginning your own investigation into the regulations that might be related to your drone business idea.