4 Summary of Week 3
Week 3 has covered two complex and multifaceted topics, which should help you to start to map out the context in which your drone business idea sits – the big data of drones and the regulatory environment.
You learned that the public sector, businesses and customers are also interested in one way or another in extracting value from the data generated and analysed by drones. Big data researchers commonly use Big Data Architecture Frameworks, or BDAFs, to categorise the different characteristics of data, such as the ‘Five Vs’: volume, veracity, variety, velocity and value, and that consideration of these characteristics can help you to identify important needs and resources for your business.
You also learned about the regulatory environment for drones and that policymakers often use a middle-ground approach in creating legislation and regulation in order to encourage flexibility and innovation. The landscape of drone regulation is in a period of change as policies become insufficient to deal with new technological breakthroughs.
Finally, you had opportunities to consider your drone business idea in the context of big data architecture frameworks and relevant legislation, which can feed into the development of your business case.
Next week, you will learn more about creating value with your business idea and take the next step toward making your idea into business reality.
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