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Developing business ideas for drone technologies
Developing business ideas for drone technologies

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This free course was written by Giacomo Carli, Jie Deng, Despoina Filiou and Kristen Reid. This week was written by Despoina Filiou.

Despoina Filiou would like to extend special thanks to Adrien Lebreton, Viara Bojkova and Jurrian Doornbos for their close cooperation in providing research material for this week.

The development of this course was funded by the ICAERUS project  [Tip: hold Ctrl and click a link to open it in a new tab. (Hide tip)] .

The ICAERUS project was funded by the EU under the Horizon Europe scheme Grant Agreement 101060643 and UK under Innovate UK reference 10038181.

Except for third party materials and otherwise stated, including any quotes referenced in the course and not acknowledged here  (see terms and conditions), this content is made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 Licence .

The material acknowledged below is Proprietary and used under licence (not subject to Creative Commons Licence). Grateful acknowledgement is made to the following sources for permission to reproduce material in this free course:

Course image: Courtesy: Dr Katerina Kasimati

Course badge: © The Open University


Figure 2: Four different habitats which can be individual ecosystems or groups of ecosystems. They may constitute different ways of understanding ecosystems. Courtesy: Dr David Robinson

Figure 3: Summer pasture of the sheep pilot farm (Ferme de Carmejane), Alpes De Hautes Provences, France: Courtesy: Adrien Lebreton

Figure 4: Drones used in livestock monitoring, IDELE research facility: CIRBEEF farm, Brittany, France Courtesy: Adrien Lebreton

Figure 5: Drone-driven ecosystem for livestock management in rural France as captured in 2023 (Bojkova et al., 2023) From: Bojkova, V., Doornbos, J., Arampatzis, S., Shkurti, E. Kasimati, E., Psiroukis, V., Anthymidis, M., Grigoriadis, K. Skridaila, K., Lebreton, A., Oses, P., Calgua, S. and Minchin, J. (2023) Deliverable 1.1 of the ICAERUS Project. Unpublished.

Figure 6: Victorine Perrin-Peyer, a farm worker and herd technician of IDELE at Ferm Innov, a beef cattle pilot farm. Victorine also runs her own farm. Courtesy: Adrien Lebreton

Figure 7: A drone and its components Photo by Pawel Spychalski/Unsplash photos/ blue-red-and-black-lego-toy-_15l4YuUq1k

Figure 8: A drone hand-held controller with high resolution screen. Courtesy: Adrien Lebreton

Figure 9: A drone demonstration event run by IDELE.  Courtesy: Adrien Lebreton

Figure 10: Business networks are embedded on a web of personal interactions.

Figure 11: Visualisation of a network and its structural dimension. Pete Linforth/Pixabay


Video 1: Who is Idele working with? ©The Open University (2024)

Every effort has been made to contact copyright owners. If any have been inadvertently overlooked, the publishers will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity.

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