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Developing business ideas for drone technologies
Developing business ideas for drone technologies

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2.3 Designing the financial viability area

Now that you have explored the blocks of the financial viability area of the sustainable business model canvas, you can apply this knowledge to Use Case 2 – Drone Spraying.

Activity 5

Timing: Allow approximately 15 minutes.

Using Use Case 2 on Drone Spraying, match the examples given below to the related financial viability area in the business model canvas template.

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Table 4 Completed financial viability area block
Cost structure Revenue streams
R&D expenditure: high initial and ongoing costs Subscription services: for software and data analysis tools
Manufacturing costs: production of drones Leasing programmes: for drones and equipment
Marketing and sales: broad outreach programmes Training services: for farmers and agricultural workers
Operational expenses: staff maintenance and updates Consultancy fees: providing expert advice and customised solutions
Compliance and certification costs: meeting regulatory standards Contract based on extension and complexity of the service: area covered and time required
Chemical products