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Developing business ideas for drone technologies
Developing business ideas for drone technologies

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2.2.3 Pain relievers

Like gain creators, pain relievers are able to reduce customer pains outlined in the customer profile. Again, the value proposition would not be able to address all of them, but just a sub-group of them.

It is important to consider the differences between the concepts of gain creators and pain relievers. The concepts of pains and gains are connected. Consider a bank account. The availability of quick access to customer service using a chat function on the bank’s app would be a good gain creator. Access to customer service through an online chat could also be perceived as a risky design solution, because some customers might find it difficult or even consider it as a barrier to access the service.

It is important to understand what makes customers feel that a feature offered is a gain creator, and what barriers and risks can constitute a risk and a customer pain. With this knowledge it is possible to design gain creators and pain relievers appropriately.