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Waste management and environmentalism in China

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Waste management and environmentalism in China

This free course, Waste management and environmentalism in China, is an introduction to waste generation and waste management processes currently being practiced in China. This course explores how the Chinese can deal with increasing volumes of waste, drawing parallels with the UK experience of waste management. It also discusses the conceptual tools that can be used to make the cycle of material use, waste production and treatment more sustainable. The course ends with a brief examination of the growth of environmentalism in China.

Course learning outcomes

After studying this course, you should be able to:

  • identify some of the environmental impacts of economic growth
  • understand some concepts to more sustainably manage waste and resources
  • identify some of the emerging social responses to China's environmental problems
  • assess individual waste management habits.

First Published: 30/10/2018

Updated: 04/10/2019

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