Find out more about The Open University's Computing and IT courses and qualifications.
Computing use
Computer literacy is essential for the working world, there are a range of free to access courses below which explore some essential aspects of IT.
Introducing computing and IT
This free course, Introducing computing and IT, provides a general overview of how digital technologies have come to dominate virtually every aspect of the modern world and some guidance on how to prepare for this digital life. It raises awareness of the importance of data security and online safety. It also provides an explanation of the ...
Introducing ICT systems
Information and communication technologies (ICTs) systems now dominate our everyday lives. This free course, Introducing ICT systems, will explain what constitutes such a system and how ICT systems work. You will also look at how ICT systems convey, store and manipulate data, and how they process data. Finally you will learn how these systems ...
An introduction to computers and computer systems
This free course, An introduction to computers and computer systems, challenges how we view computers through the examples of processors in kitchen scales and digital cameras, as well as examining the work of art that, at heart, is a computer. You will also explore how computers are connected together to achieve even more than when working alone.
Internet of everything
The internet of everything (IoE) is the networked connection of people, process, data and things. As more people, data and things come online, we develop processes to harness the vast amounts of information being generated by all these connected people and things. The goal of this free course is to introduce you to fundamental concepts and ...
Introducing ethics in Information and Computer Sciences
Although ethics is often viewed as an academic specialism or an add-on to training programmes in technology and science, it is in fact an area of the utmost relevance to professionals and, indeed, everyone. This free course, Introducing ethics in Information and Computer Sciences, draws upon examples taken from dialogues, plays and the media to ...
Can computers be therapists?
Can "e-therapies" be beneficial to those experiencing psychological issues, particularly young people? Dr Mathijs Lucassen looks at the evidence...
Digital life
Our lives are increasingly digital, knowing how to best utilise this at work is becoming more and more important. The free courses below explore some ways in which you can take advantage of these skills.
Digital skills: succeeding in a digital world
This free course, Digital skills: succeeding in a digital world, will develop your confidence and skills for life online, whether study, work or everyday life. It explores a range of digital skills and practices, including digital identity, digital well-being, staying safe and legal, finding and using information and online tools, and dealing ...
Preparing for your digital life in the 21st Century
This free course, Preparing for your digital life in the 21st Century, provides a general overview of how digital technology has come to dominate virtually every aspect of the modern world and some guidance on how to prepare for this digital life. It also provides a more detailed explanation of the internal structure and workings of a typical ...
Childhood in the digital age
This free course, Childhood in the digital age, delves into the lives of children and discuss the potential benefits and limitations of technology in their lives.
Children’s experiences with digital technologies
This free course, Children’s experiences with digital technologies, is an introduction to how children use digital technologies, such as mobile applications, digital games and computers, and what they learn from these experiences. The course draws on debates about screen time to critically examine and present evidence about the effects of ...
Digital thinking tools for better decision making
Ever since the very beginning of humanity, tools have played a pivotal role in who we are and what we do. Tools for recording, processing and communicating information have a time-honoured history – from the clay tokens used in Mesopotamia to mechanical calculating machines. The invention of the digital computer has boosted the scale, speed and ...
Hybrid working: digital communication and collaboration
Communication and digital collaboration skills are now essential for new ways of working and thriving in a digital world. As more organisations move to permanent hybrid working, being able to connect with others, manage your digital persona and use the digital tools and understand expectations is becoming more important.
Hybrid working: skills for digital transformation
The future of the workplace is continuing to evolve, and digital transformation is accelerating, requiring new digital capabilities, behaviours and understanding. There has been a widening of the digital divide and data shows that in the UK the skills gap is growing with a shortage of people with digital skills. Nearly all jobs have some ...
Digital communications
Optical-fibre communications became commercially viable in the 1970s and innovation continues today. This free course, Digital communications, will illustrate how very high data rates can be transmitted over long distances through optical fibres. You will learn how these fibres are linked, examine the technology used and assess the future ...
IT in everyday life
We now live in a global village where distance is no longer a barrier to commercial or social contact. This free course, IT in everyday life, will enable you to gain an understanding of the information and communication technologies that drive our networked world and how they now permeate our everyday lives.
What is a digital carbon footprint?
With increasing awareness of carbon footprints, how much does our digital lifestyle contribute? This article examines the impact.
Using digital tools in teaching
Check out these short animations and accompanying articles on podcasting, social media, and virtual and augmented reality in pedagogy.
Stress and anxiety in the digital age: the dark side of technology
What is it about new technology that is making many of us anxious and stressed? Dr Gini Harrison and Dr Mathijs Lucassen explore the top five stressors:
How to manage the digital-related stress of technology
How can we avoid the stress and anxiety associated with the digital age? Dr Gini Harrison and Dr Mathijs Lucassen give us five tips...
Creative suites and software
In extension to computing use, an understanding of software development – no matter your area of work – will enable you to review working systems critically and effectively. The range of free courses below give you some grounding knowledge in these areas.
An introduction to software development
Software development is the practice of organising the design and construction of software, the beating heart of much technology fundamental to our personal and professional life. This free introductory course, An introduction to software development, discusses the engineering nature of software development, its challenges and some ...
Approaches to software development
This free course, Approaches to software development, presents an engineering approach to the development of software systems – a software engineering approach. The course pays particular attention to issues of software quality, in terms of both product (what is built) and process (how we build it).
Software and the law
In this free course, Software and the law, you'll look at the laws relevant to software and its use, taking a global perspective. A major part of this course is devoted to intellectual-property law, the issue of who owns software and digital content and how that ownership can be protected using instruments like copyright and patents. We also...
Software development for enterprise systems
Enterprise systems are software applications that automate and integrate all many of the key business processes of an organisation. With some understanding of software development, in this free course, Software development for enterprise systems, you will learn about current development practices for this type of system and develop relevant ...
Successful IT systems
Information technology (IT) systems are a critical part of our world, in business and the public and voluntary sectors. They are often highly complex and interconnected combinations of technology, organisations and people. Success and failure of IT systems can be seen in many different settings. Many are highly successful; others fail, sometimes...
Development and coding
Computing code is the building blocks of software systems and websites. There is an increasing demand for workers skilled in this area to design and develop software systems. The free courses below look at some of these finer skills.
Simple coding
Have you ever wanted to try out simple coding? Want to understand the basics of what it entails? This course introduces you to the skills, concepts and jargon of coding.
Data and processes in computing
This free course, Data and processes in computing, will help you to understand the forms of data that are handled by software and look at the various processes that can be applied to the data. These ideas are demonstrated through the use of a supermarket till and illustrate how simple data sets can be manipulated.
Introduction to computational thinking
You will learn about algorithms and abstraction in this free course, Introduction to computational thinking, and encounter some applications of computational thinking in various disciplines, ranging from biology and physics to economics and sport science.
Machines, minds and computers
Computers are becoming smarter and may soon become intelligent. This free course, Machines, minds and computers, looks at what intelligence is, how computers may become so, and whether they ever will really be intelligent. It is aimed at people interested in understanding what intelligence and thinking really are, and who want to understand the ...
Simple Coding - Summary
A summary of everything you have learned in the 'Simple Coding' collection.
Websites have become essential for a successful modern business. The links below provide some useful advice and guidance on using websites effectively.
An introduction to web applications architecture
This free course, An introduction to web applications architecture, provides an overview of the design and implementation of computer software that runs on web servers, instead of those running solely on desktop computers, laptops or mobile devices.
Why every business needs a website
Having a strong online presence, particularly a website, can be make or break for generating more revenue.
What is e-commerce in 2023? Definition, benefits and examples
E-commerce is the buying and selling of goods or services via the internet, and the transfer of money and data to complete the sales. It’s also known as electronic commerce or internet commerce.
Seeing the internet
How do we see the internet? Gillian Rose explores why some artists and campaigners think it's important that the internet is made more visible.
Finance and business
Many elements of business, finance and marketing are conducted online. These free courses offer an insight into the different elements of these processes.
Managing virtual project teams
Many projects are now ‘virtual’, i.e. some or all of the team are located remotely and may be working in different time zones. The project manager needs all the traditional soft skills, and more. This free course, Managing virtual project teams, looks at knowledge and techniques which underpin team selection and then consider the additional ...
Marketing communications in the digital age
The influence and impact of marketing can be seen all around. For instance, you may find marketing communications being used to promote various brands, increase charitable donations, persuade toddlers to eat their vegetables, or encourage teenagers to behave responsibly around alcohol. In this digital era, if you use social media to portray a ...
Business Management - Digital Disruption
Whether you are setting up your own business or moving up the corporate ladder embracing digital technology will provide opportunities for competitive advantage.
Artificial intelligence
Recent developments in artificial intelligence (AI) make this area increasingly pertinent to our working world. The links below explore some debates and questions surrounding the topic.
60 Second Adventures in Artificial Intelligence
How does Artificial Intelligence (AI) work? How is AI used in science? All is explained these short animations narrated by David Mitchell.
Artificial intelligence - chatting with bots
As technology advances, machines are becoming more advanced at interacting with humans, but what does this mean for the future?
Will artificial intelligence put us out of work?
Should companies be cautious when embracing new technologies for fear of displacing their employees?
We might end up being looked after by robots. How do we prepare for that?
As old age approaches, Geoff Watts confronts an inevitable future in the care of robots. But that doesn’t mean he likes it.
Assessing the Future of Artificial Intelligence
With the use of more AI techniques in the modern world, how should governments and lawmakers respond? How can we keep best informed about which advances may impact our economy and society?
A short history of the early days of artificial intelligence
Artificial Intelligence seems very much of our time - but as Jessica Riskin explains, history records many attempts to create machines that think.
Understanding how to protect yourself and your systems online is an important part of working in a digital world. The links below provide you with some useful advice and tips.
Introduction to cyber security: stay safe online
This free course, Introduction to cyber security: stay safe online, will help you to understand online security and start to protect your digital life, whether at home or work. You will learn how to recognise the threats that could harm you online and the steps you can take to reduce the chances that they will happen to you.
Learning from major cyber security incidents
As a society, we are now almost always connected to the internet and rely on it for many different day-to-day activities. However, this dependency on the internet can make us vulnerable to attacks.
Network security
Encryption of files and firewalls are just some of the security measures that can be used in security. This free course, Network security, which assumes you have a substantial knowledge of computing, helps to explain the intricacies of the continually changing area of network security by studying the main issues involved in achieving a ...
Gamified Intelligent Cyber Aptitude and Skills Training (GICAST)
This free course, Gamified Intelligent Cyber Aptitude and Skills Training (GICAST), will help you to understand online security and start to protect your digital life, whether at home or work. You will learn how to recognise the threats that could harm you online and the steps you can take to reduce the chances that they will happen to you.
The psychology of cybercrime
In this free course, The psychology of cybercrime, you will explore different questions about cybercrime from a psychological angle in an attempt to better understand this relatively recent field of psychology. You will consider the realms and limits of cybercrime, distinguishing between the different types of cybercrime (e.g. trolling, ...
Ministry of Sharing: Are you a safe sharer?
Are you a model citizen or a menace to society when it comes to divulging personal details? Take the test from the Ministry of Sharing and find out whether you share too much information.
Social media
Social media can be a big part of your personal and professional lives. The resources below can help you utilise it effectively.
Social media and networks in health and social care
The focus of this free course, Social media and networks in health and social care, will be on the concept of internet safety and the possible advantages and disadvantages the internet offers in terms of health and social care. It will also explore the ethical and professional issues associated with online social networks when working in health ...
What kind of sharer are you?
As social media platforms become more and more popular, it’s become common to share everyday moments from our lives with friends and strangers alike. Has social media changed the way we share grief?
Is your social media use impacting your future?
Are you aware of how your use of social media could impact your future? Dr Gemma Ryan-Blackwell highlights the importance of being mindful of your digital footprint.
Capturing unique, professional images for your business or work is a useful skill to hone. The links below give you some practical and theoretical insights into this art.
What do you see? How images can change what you think
Are images we see every day always what they seem? Look beyond your first glance and discover how images can persuade you to think a certain way.
Photoshop reigns supreme: how the software has maintained market dominance
Photoshop remains the leader among graphic-editing software. Learn how to use Photoshop for your business.
The ultimate guide to learning how to use your first DSLR
If you’ve bought yourself a DSLR (or mirrorless camera) and, after unpacking it from the box, you are intimidated by the number of buttons and dials, and by the thickness of the manual, it can be very tempting to put the manual down, flick it onto ‘Auto’ and start shooting.
PhotoFit Me
Would you make a good eyewitness? Photofit Me explores how we remember faces and challenges you to construct the face of a culprit or to recreate the face of a celebrity or even a friend! Test yourself with our interactive and see how good your face recognition abilities are.
Do you have a photographic memory?
Can you hold an image in your mind by just looking at it for a brief amount of time? Try our photographic memory test and see whether you have eidetic memory.
Clear and professional video content is just as important for your business as images. The links below explore some of the reasons why this is alongside some of the finer skills you can start to develop.
Four key benefits of video content
In the digital age, getting attention is anything but a given. An abundance of publishers, gadgets and apps are competing for mind share, and data overload causes audiences to block distractions and instead focus on what's urgent.
How to record videos with DSLR cameras
Recording video content is a popular way to share your thoughts and experiences. Find out how to do this with a DSLR camera.
Why should you learn video editing?
Video editing is the technical art of cutting together and altering video clips to create a finished video project. Video editing skills allow creatives to make cuts, preserve continuity between shots, alter sound, add digital effects, and replace or remove background assets.
Learn how to edit video content
Turning raw footage into engaging content in post-production is no easy feat. Learn basic editing philosophy and practical tips for both the big and small screen.
Virtual and augmented reality
Virtual and augmented reality offer great benefits for business and training purposes. The articles below offer some insights into how to utilise this area.
What can we learn from Pokemon Go?
While scooping up Ratatas on the way to Sainsbury's is fun, Rebecca Ferguson is more excited by the potential of applying the technologies of Pokemon Go to online learning.
Google Shopping revamps tools for consumers to more easily reach merchants
Shoppers engage with 3D images of products nearly 50% more than static ones.
The amazing ways companies use virtual reality for business success
Virtual Reality hit the mainstream recently with the arrival of affordable, consumer-friendly headsets. Already businesses are keenly embracing the opportunities created by this amazing technology.
Five best augmented reality use cases
Tech industry analysts and visionaries say augmented reality will revolutionize business.
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My career goal: Creative and design
Bring out your creative flair to its full potential. Find some practical advice for advancing your career in a creative industry, whether that's using your keen visual eye, practical ingenuity, or rigorous technical skills.
Level: 1 Introductory
My career goal: Marketing
Can your insight and influencing skills be used to build brand expertise and effectively engage consumers? This page's resources will help you to plan your own career strategy.
Level: 1 Introductory
My career goal: Business and administrative
Do you have business acumen just waiting to be tapped? Find resources below to develop your communication and strategic skills, maybe even an apprenticeship to begin your career in business.
Level: 1 Introductory
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