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Transport and sustainability

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Transport and sustainability

PLEASE NOTE: This course will be closing soon, to be replaced with an updated version. This course will be removed from OpenLearn on Monday 17 February 2025. Please make sure you have finished studying the course by then.  

This free course, Transport and sustainability, explores the issues around sustainable transport and how the role of technology and society can interact to lower the overall impact of transport.

Course learning outcomes

After studying this course, you should be able to:

  • outline the energy and environmental impacts of transport activities, and their importance
  • identify the key points of relevant legislation and targets relating to vehicle emissions
  • describe the low-carbon fuels and vehicle technologies that are becoming available to reduce emissions
  • compare the environmental improvements that these transport technologies and fuels can deliver
  • understand that both technical and behavioural changes have a role in achieving transport sustainability.

First Published: 01/10/2012

Updated: 13/11/2019

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