Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility. Using these SAGE resources means applying universal principles of safeguarding for vulnerable people, including children and young people, and those with disabilities.
SAGE session guides and learner workbooks have safeguarding practice integrated in them. For wider circulation purposes, it has been removed as information is specific to each context and organisation. However, as a service provider, it is your responsibility to adhere to the relevant safeguarding standards in your area of operations. For SAGE, we decided it was key for learners and volunteers to be provided with the following information in their local language: how they should expect to be treated by the educators, staff, partners and community members who they will come into contact with as part of SAGE and the reporting mechanisms they can use if they feel unsafe. These reporting mechanisms are accessible, include the contact details of our organisation's safeguarding focal point and include safeguarding contacts who are internal and independent of our organisations.
There are external resources on Safeguarding that may be of interest such as these free courses:https://www.open.edu/openlearncreate/globalsafeguarding
Other external resources will be supplied at a later date.
Welcome to Supporting Adolescent Girls' Education (SAGE): Supporting learners and learning
An accelerated learning programme for out-of- school learners
The SAGE two-year learning programme is available to all educators via the package of resources that can be accessed through the Content tab above or View this material now button below. All the materials are Open Educational Resources (OER), and with the exception of named third party contributions, can be adapted for your own educational context.
Before you start to explore the SAGE resources, it would help us to know more about the people who are using the resources and what they find useful. You do not have to complete the survey to access the resources. The survey will take about 10-15 minutes.
Click here for information about the survey and to take part.
If you enjoy accessing the resources, please complete a review via the Reviews tab above.
The SAGE learning programme supports the position that home language is first teacher. Therefore, whilst the SAGE learning materials are written in English the guidance for educators is to start the learning from a learner's last point of success – as such the materials can be translated into your local languages or vernacular, be taught through local language, through English or be taught through translanguaging across English and home language/s.
SAGE (Supporting Adolescent Girls' Education) is a UK Aid-funded programme through the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office’s Girls’ Education Challenge initiative, led by Plan International and involving a consortium of six partners and the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education, Zimbabwe (MoPSE).
Course image: Plan International Zimbabwe SAGE project